Discover simple modifications that can significantly improve your beloved pet’s quality of life while they are receiving palliative veterinary care.
For pet parents, the decision to opt for palliative care can be heart-wrenching. It signifies that there’s no further curative treatment for a terminal illness. When a pet receives palliative care, it means their illness will progressively limit their ability to engage in daily routines.
One way to ensure your beloved pets remain comfortable during this challenging period is by providing them with palliative care designed to enhance their quality of life.
These veterinary care options assist you in managing and monitoring your pet’s condition, its progression, and most importantly, their comfort. This is a crucial step as it helps everyone stay aligned in terms of care.
Palliative care for pets takes into account their lifestyle and veterinarians formulate a care plan that considers all aspects for the best possible outcome. This plan is created with your input and preferences in mind. But what are some things that you, as a pet parent, can do to make your furry friend’s end-of-life journey more comfortable?
In-home palliative care for your pet means that you need to ensure your companion has a safe home environment that prevents injury — especially if they have limited mobility. With the assistance of palliative veterinary care, you can implement modifications to keep your pet safe and comfortable.
Blocking access to stairs
Pets who have problems with their mobility need to be supervised when they’re going up or down the stairs. Smaller pets can easily be carried. If you have a pet that cannot be carried, consider buying a sling or vest to assist you to help them navigate the stairs.
While it is not practical to be at your pet’s side 24/7, having pet gates that block access to stairs can also be a good way to make sure that your pet isn’t in harm’s way if you’re not in the general vicinity.
Raising food and water dishes
If you have a pet that has spinal issues, then even basic activities like eating and drinking can be difficult. You can raise food and water dishes to help their bodies stay in a neutral position that doesn’t put additional strain on them. If you have an immobile pet, consider placing food and water directly in front of them without the need to stand and walk.
Keeping food and water dishes at elbow height is a general rule of thumb, but it will depend on the height of your pet.
Non-skid floor surfaces
Even though your pet may find it difficult to walk, sometimes they may want to get up and move around. When this happens, it’s important to make sure that floors are safe by creating non-skid floors. Simple steps like adding rugs or even rubber tiles are good options.
Making small changes like these in your home can help your pets move around more easily and also keep them safe in case they lose balance and fall.
We all want to ensure our pets are happy, safe and comfortable — experiencing a good quality of life, especially when it comes to their end-of-life care.
Staying close to your pet and creating joyful memories might be a significant priority for you. At Rest Your Paws, we understand this and make their final journey as comfortable as possible.
Our pet palliative care services include:
If you want to learn more about our palliative veterinary care services for your pet, don’t hesitate to reach out.
Every pet is unique, and it is crucial to consult with your veterinarian about your palliative care options. If your pet has been diagnosed with an incurable illness that has limited their lifespan, considering palliative care is a thoughtful way to ensure they receive the best care possible, keeping them as comfortable as possible until the end.
The available options will largely depend on your pet’s specific condition. These can range from medication and dietary changes to physical therapy. It’s important to consult with a professional who is experienced in providing palliative care for pets and can help alleviate their pain.
Just like us, pets can also have bad days. However, it may be a good idea to consult a veterinarian if your pet: